
What are the effects of roses in skin care products?

Apr 26, 2024

Rose is a plant that everyone knows, but in addition to ornamental it as a cash crop can also be used in cosmetics, many cosmetic ingredients have the appearance of rose, then add a rose of the toner has what effects and effects? What are the benefits of rose toner for skin?



Clear skin

Rose water contains a variety of strong moisturizing factors, can quickly penetrate the stratum corneum, used to wash the face not only can clean the skin, but also make the face more soft, and maintain the rose aroma



The most important effect of rose toner is to hydrate and moisturize. It can replenish the water needed by the skin and make the skin appear fuller and more hydrated, so as to promote the absorption of subsequent skin care products.



Whiten and remove yellow

The rose itself has a brightening effect, so the rose toner can also lighten the complexion of the face, which can make the skin look brighter to a certain extent. Rose toner also contains vitamins C and E, so it also has a certain dilution effect on spots such as freckles and melasma on the face.


After sun care

After the skin is exposed to the sun, you can apply an appropriate amount of rose toner or moisten a cotton pad with rose toner and apply it to the sunburned area, which can prevent the skin from peeling and help to repair the skin after sun exposure.



Antioxidant action

Rose is rich in vitamin C, and vitamin C is a very effective antioxidant, it acts on cells, has obvious antioxidant effects, can maintain the skin young and healthy state, help the skin to fight against aging symptoms.

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